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Dry Eyes

Dry eyes are a very common problem. They are due to a reduction in tear production by the lacrimal gland. Dry eyes can be exacerbated by hot dry conditions or air conditioning.


The treatment of dry eyes is initially tear supplementation with artificial tears, ideally preservative free. These can be used as often as necessary. If the condition persists despite artificial tears, temporary plugs can be inserted into the inferior puncta to reduce the draining away of tears. If temporary plugs are successful permanent occlusion of the tear drainage system can be performed under local anaesthetic.


In a few patients with very severe dry eye, iKervis drops can be prescribed. Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids have been shown to help dry eyes. Treatment of underlying blepharitis will also help dry eyes. Please contact my secretary if you are experiencing problems with dry eyes for further help.


Blepharitis is an inflammation of the rims of the eyelids which cause them to become red and swollen. Dandruff-like debris can build up at the back of the eyelashes. It may be caused by a skin condition or a bacterial infection.

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Watery Eyes

Watery eyes are a very common and potentially debilitating problem.  Watery eyes can be due to an underlying problem with the surface of the eye. Sometimes if there is a poor background production of tears this can lead to irritation of the ocular surface and reflex watering.


Watering is often due to a problem with tear drainage. The entrance to the tear drainage system may be tight or may be poorly positioned. This can usually be corrected with a quick operation under local anaesthetic. There may be a blockage further down in the lacrimal system between the entrance to the tear duct in the lids and the exit into the nose. This requires more extensive surgery under general anaesthetic.

Double Vision

DVLA- How does my eye condition affect my driving?

Emergency Ophthalmology

If you develop a sudden problem with your eyes such as loss of vision, double vision or pain, please contact my secretary immediately as it is usually possible to see you very quickly in one of my clinics.


If you are unable to obtain an emergency appointment with me please contact your local Hospital Eye Service.


The following numbers may be useful: The Royal Eye Infirmary, Plymouth – 01752-

Torbay Ophthalmology Department – 

The Royal Devon and Exeter Ophthalmology Department –

Truro Ophthalmology Department - 

Double vision usually occurs when your eyes are not looking in the same direction. It is not uncommon for people to develop mild, intermittent double vision as they get older, are tired or are unwell. This can usually be successfully treated by incorporation of prisms into your normal glasses.


If you develop sudden, severe, persistent double vision then you need to be seen by an ophthalmologist as soon as possible to rule put serious underlying problems. Please contact my secretary if you are worried about double vision.

The visual assessments for driving are administered by the DVLA. If you have glaucoma or other eye conditions potentially affecting your ability to drive you will be referred by the DVLA to a branch of Specsavers who will perform tests assessing your visual acuity and visual fields. The results of the tests are passed on to the DVLA who will decide whether or not your vision is good enough to drive. Occasionally it is possible to lodge an appeal if you fail your DVLA vision test. If you fail your DVLA vision test and believe that you should still be allowed to drive I am able to assess your case for you. Please contact my secretary if you wish to discuss your DVLA vision test. There is an additional report fee in addition to the consultation fee if I believe that you have grounds to appeal.

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